By Lynneg
North Humberside,
United Kingdom
Camellia.Went outside in the howling wind yesterday to retrieve soggy sheets from a soggy lawn after the line snapped and noticed that my potted camellia had blown over.Put it in a more sheltered spot and saw that it has 20 or so buds.First time ever in about 4 years.So you can imagine how pleased I am.Isn't it lovely when this happens.Tempered my annoyance at the snapped line!
11 Jan, 2015
Well done on recovering the washing!
You might think about putting the camellia into a heavier pot this year - or, even better, into the ground. A big clay pot that is as broad at the base as at the top, with a couple of bricks and 4-5 inches of large gravel in the bottom should stop it taking off if you do have to grow it in a pot.
11 Jan, 2015
Thanks urbanite.Will do that at the right time.Don't know what happened with the edit remark___went wrong somewhere.!
11 Jan, 2015
How great anyway that the plant was still in one piece!
11 Jan, 2015
its great when you find a plant performing isn't it? Glad you got the washing back too.
11 Jan, 2015
I also dragged my reluctant Husband out to look at the camellia.He said he thought it was privet! Why he thought I'd grow privet in a pot is beyond me.Still he's good at the donkey work--bless him.
11 Jan, 2015
Good to know us blokes have our uses :-)
11 Jan, 2015
Certainly do.He washes the dishes as well!
11 Jan, 2015
Oh dear,well im glad to hear good news about camellias on GOY for once.
11 Jan, 2015