By Ladygardener
United Kingdom
Is this a weed?? As it loos like it's not!!! Any ideas would be really welcomed error I dig it up!!

15 Jan, 2015
I don't either but I would wait just in case
15 Jan, 2015
have you got a bird feeder nearby if so it maybe from that good luck.
15 Jan, 2015
I would dig up an area of these plants to see if it is spreading by sending out in ground runners. If it's doing that, then whatever it is you may not want that type of hard to confine and control plant in your garden.
16 Jan, 2015
they remind me of verbena and or Kalamaris [sounds a bit squidy ] but it has a flower like an aster in late summer onwards.
have you noticed them here before? They also remind me a bit of a wild plant called mugwort [cant remember its botanical name].
16 Jan, 2015
Not mugwort as there are sections of midrib between the leaflets - but just in case rub a leaf and see if it smells stongly.
16 Jan, 2015
Could they be poppies?
16 Jan, 2015
No leaves aren't right for a poppy and they die back in winter.
17 Jan, 2015
I'd thought about poppies too. Moon grower, mine haven't died back; they're actually looking pretty much like the photo here.
17 Jan, 2015
My poppies also haven't died back but my leaves are hairy and these aren't.
17 Jan, 2015
Made me think of wilted chrysanthemums in buckets on petrol station forecourts.
17 Jan, 2015
I know what you mean Urbanite. I agree with Moon grower on this, leave it to flower to see what it is.
17 Jan, 2015
were there no signs of them last year?
17 Jan, 2015
It looks very like a daisy plant that I have in my garden, sorry I don't know the name as it came from a friend, if it is the same one be warned its a nightmare and spreads rapidly and one I regret planting...
17 Jan, 2015
I have them growing in my garden & I think it is a wild Michaelmas Daisy. Has sprays of tiny whitish Daisy flowers. I leave one or two if in a an appropriate spot & weed the rest out.
18 Jan, 2015
Please do let us know when they flower - even if you only leave one from curiosity. You can add it to this blog wo we all remember what the question was!
18 Jan, 2015
Though the leaf pattern in the photos appears different from that of the wild Michaelmas Daisy which can also propagate via underground runners, if you go to my photo section you will see a large bunch of them in my garden in photo HN1 0013. The edges of the leaves of the daisy in my garden are smooth and the leaf spearlike. The leaf pattern in the photo appears closer to the base leaves of the Chinese aster though that's just a guess and no answer.
18 Jan, 2015
I have left two & will photograph when in flower & add to this question.
19 Jan, 2015
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« Cytisus Battandieri pruning - branches dying? I've got a Cytisus which is...
Are you aware of having planted them? If not it is likely to be a weed (plant in wrong place) you could just wait 'til it flowers to see what it is - I don't recognise.
15 Jan, 2015