United Kingdom
Any ideas of best place to get a fairy door please ?
22 Jan, 2015
If you put fairy door in the search box ( above right) you'll find examples of members fairy doors
22 Jan, 2015
Doubt that ours would use it, they just come over the fence!
22 Jan, 2015
I wasn't aware fairies needed doors - thought they came and went as they chose to! As Bulba says our just hop over the fence.
22 Jan, 2015
My fairies are gentile little ladies and don`t jump over fences they tip toe through the shrubbery !!!
23 Jan, 2015
But thanks for suggestions
23 Jan, 2015
will kieth lemon mind you having his door then ?
23 Jan, 2015
Oh they don't jump Shirley they fly...
23 Jan, 2015
I just have to ask - what on earth is a fairy door and why do you want one?
24 Jan, 2015
I have little grandchildren and have told them I will have fairies visiting when I finish the garden and the door will lead into a secret place where they will be safe ( from non believers!!!! )
24 Jan, 2015
Aha, I bet they love that and they'll never forget it. If you go to eBay uk they've got some very pretty ones.
24 Jan, 2015
Shirley good luck this sounds like santa to me - nature spirits (fairies) do exist good luck!
24 Jan, 2015
Thanks all I`ll post pics in spring when finished
27 Jan, 2015
Try Amazon or Ebay Shirley. I am sure I saw some on there a couple of months ago. Good Luck.
22 Jan, 2015