By Dennat27
United Kingdom
how do i stop my sweetwilliams from being eaten as they are full of holes Ive tried slug pellets to no avail.
"thanks for your help"
but i did try the beer idea in special tubs i bought, but these were only planted young last summer they have grown quite a bit but they look like a dart board now lol maybe its because they are young and tender
I go out at night with a torch and they are massive things ugg i hate them things i wont say on here what i do with them
25 Jan, 2015
its so cold and wet at the moment , slug pellets do very little at this time of year in the UK.
Use some larger in a "Slug Pub" or a old plastic margarine tub leave the lid on cut a hole in each end near the top so the slugs can get in, top up to the hole with larger/beer and put the lid on, dont put at the same level as the soil as you may trap and kill useful garden beetles just sit it among the plants
25 Jan, 2015
my Neighbour would be sleeping out in my garden if i put beer out there for slugs lol
25 Jan, 2015
If he does, charge him for overnight lodging, using a bucket of slugs as the currency.
25 Jan, 2015
Gee, I hope that beer guzzler doesn't sleep with his mouth open.
25 Jan, 2015
Well, it's either aphids or slugs in my book. I will consider slugs in my answer and deterrents which can be found in the home. You may spread crushed eggshells around the base of your plants or coffee grounds. As far as aphids, I will see what recommendations other members have about that and slugs for that matter.
25 Jan, 2015