By Nannyann
United Kingdom
How do I get rid of those horrible black things that are all over my Nasturshiums (sorry about the spelling did not no how to spell this) also i have white fly to get rid od anyone have any suggestions please
11 Jul, 2010
The little black things are likely to be pollen beetles, which abandon the oil seed rape once it is harvested in the fields and come to our gardens. I'd agree with MG that washing up liquid should deter them.
11 Jul, 2010
Many thanks for your help I will try that
12 Jul, 2010
I agree with the wash/liquid spray and often if you rub them off and remove the most affected leaves blackfly( nastur)can be controlled and pick off any caterpillars.Nasturtiums recover well.
13 Jul, 2010
14 Jul, 2010
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Spray the white fly with eco washing up liquid in water. Are the 'back things' on your nasturtiums little bugs? If so you can spray them too!
11 Jul, 2010