By Anitamay777
North Humberside,
United Kingdom
Heres trying again

11 Jul, 2010
Thanks, I hope someone can help?
11 Jul, 2010
I'm sure they will - Bamboo and Fractal are really good at IDs. Give them a while to see it.
11 Jul, 2010
I think if you look closely this might be 2 plants? such as a Lychnis chalcedonica in among a young eucalyptus?
11 Jul, 2010
No its just the one plant, there are about 6 of them in my garden
11 Jul, 2010
The colour is like that of Silene armeria, but the flowers are not quite right for that.
11 Jul, 2010
I think thats correct, looks like it is that , so its a wildflower right? Still looks very pretty so it can stay. Thanks to all
11 Jul, 2010
If it is the Silene armeria it is a winter hardy annual. It self seeds and survives over winter to flower next season. Not native to Britain,
11 Jul, 2010
So that's why I thought it might be a Silene! It is! Thanks, Ob.
11 Jul, 2010
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I still lean towards a Lychnis...but the leaves aren't quite right.
I hope someone else will recognise it. It's not one of the more common ones, so I could be well off-beam here. Sorry not to have a definite ID for you.
11 Jul, 2010