By Gnarly_gnome
Kniphofia best hardy varieties for the UK
Like many gardeners I lost a lot of plants in 2011/12 to those really bad winters and quite a few struggled the following year to recover.
Has any members have any "Red Hot Poker" that stood up to all that cold and snow, which would make it easier for me to choose.
The only two that survived was "Bees Sunset" & "Scorched Corn" but would like a few more.
31 Jan, 2015
I second Kniphofia uvaria, esp 'nobilis'. Very hardy.
I also find Kniphofia northiae very hardy. It looks rather like a semi-hardy Aloe and is evergreen.
31 Jan, 2015
Hi, I agree with Sbg 'percy's pride' and a uvaria that I don't know the name of, Derek.
31 Jan, 2015
I've grown the "popsicle" series for the past few years with great success.
I think the secret of success is to get them through their first winter so they get established.
31 Jan, 2015
Thanks guys
i had one called "Spring Time" my mum grew it in the 50's 60' only 1 supplier in the UK but they have had none for sale for the past 3 years, I have emailed the National Collection Holder in the isle of Wight , but I am waiting for a reply.
the two I have are just in the best postion for them, corner of the house very well drained and full sun from 12.00 till sunset.
1 Feb, 2015
Just been looking at some of the suggestions and i came across 'Bees sunset'!!!!
1 Feb, 2015
Hi Badfish
It is a stunner , it used to be called "Shining Sceptre" after a mix up of names but its been re classified as "Bees Sunset" so same plant and some nurseries still sell it as "Shining Sceptre"
I think its time for a comeback, you dont often see in gardens anymore "fashions" in gardening!.
1 Feb, 2015
percy's pride did ok for me as did the standard uvaria species.
31 Jan, 2015