United Kingdom
At the bottom of the garden we have a "wild" area with a few trees, snowdrops, then bluebells, primroses and cowslips, then unmown grass and oxeyed daisies. We cut the grass in July and keep it cut until the winter. Hoever we are getting unwanted weeds which we need advice on killing without killing any of the other plants.
12 Jul, 2010
I have been using plastic drinks bottles with the bottom cut off. Isolate the weed inside it and carefully squirt roundup in the neck of the bottle and leave in position with a short anchor stick in the neck with a protector on the stick. Seems quite effective so far where I have tried it.
12 Jul, 2010
You could paint weedkiller onto the leaves of the weeds but be careful not to get it on anything that you want to keep. Mix up some weedkiller and use a small (or large!) paintbrush. Add a drop of washing up liquid as a wetting agent.
12 Jul, 2010