By Alextb
Hello, I was wondering if I could have some advice from my friendly fellow GoYers.
EDIT: SOLVED First of all, can you recommend any plants or grasses that will go well in a shaded area (Morning Sun) along with Hostas.
They do not have to flower, but look nice-ish.
I do not mind annual, evergreen or perennial. EDIT: SOLVED
Also, I have a list of possible plants to order from Brookside Nursery (you choose dispatch week).
Could you give me your thoughts, and are there any on the list, which you think should be avoided?
The list is a draft list, before shortening it. (Small patch of land).
List so far:
-French Marigold 'Bonanza Mix'
-Osteopermum 'Akila Mix'
-Ageratum 'Champion Blue'
-Antirrhinium 'Appeal Mix'
-Gerbera 'Mega Revolution Mix'
I know Celosia had some negative comments, when I asked about it a few years back.
Also on the list is, Celosia 'Kimono Mix'.
Should these be avoided like the plague or can they still be a nice plants with bright feathery blooms?
I will be grateful for any feedback positive or negative.
9 Feb, 2015
Thanks NP.
When I went out to buy plants labels, I saw a Mexican Orange Blossom 'Sundance' which unlike the other variety on display, the tag showed it to prefer part shade.
At a maximum of 1mX1m, it suits that area well.
The Hosta section is sorted now.
9 Feb, 2015
your welcome
9 Feb, 2015 few choices are
Sarcococca humilis
Fatsia japonica
Polypodium vulgare
Phlox paniculata
Geranium macrorrhizum
Cyclum hedarafolium/coum
Ajuga repens
Cornus alba
9 Feb, 2015
Thanks Badfish, that is quite a selection.
9 Feb, 2015
Ageratum and antirrhinum are are very easy to grow from seed - I wouldn't bother ordering plants of the first at any rate if you can find any spare windowsill space.
A few bedding fuchsias would look nice in amongst your hostas and how about a few foxgloves for height at the back?
I'd never thought of using the polypodium as a garden plant, the banks round here are full of them. Some other slightly bigger ferns would look nice too as NP suggests.
9 Feb, 2015
Thanks Stergram.
A nice detailed answer.
I have just remembered I have some fuchsias in my mini greenhouse, which can go there.
Thanks for reminding me of the fuchsias.
9 Feb, 2015
In addition to Badfish's suggestions a good ground cover one is Pachysandra which is evergreen. Hellebores do well in shade. then consider colchicums for autumn flowering, leaves in the spring as well as other shade liking bulbs, Erythroniums are also nice.
10 Feb, 2015
Thanks SBG.
10 Feb, 2015
all ferns are shade loving plants
9 Feb, 2015