West Midlands,
United Kingdom
whats the best way to remove heavy moss from lawn
12 Jul, 2010
I use a motorised scarifier on mine every spring followed by a mosskiller, then scarifiy again after 2-3 weeks. Then plenty fertiliser.
12 Jul, 2010
Thats what I do Donna but in this draught It may be too much?
12 Jul, 2010
We're lucky in the NE Scotland - no hosepipe bans :) ... no lack of rain either :)
13 Jul, 2010
We have rain here now for the first time in weeks but the ground is still very dry.
13 Jul, 2010
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« watering a white dessert grape in situ of a smallgreenhosuse grapes are formed
You can put moss killer on it then as per instructions rake it out when dead in 4 - 6 weeks. But it will most likely come back as you have not changed the growing conditions its thriving in?
12 Jul, 2010