By Hijuju
United Kingdom
Is anyone else having problems with their Tomatoes?
Mine have grown quite well , they've been fed and watered , and yet the fruits are no where to be seen , even the blooms are not happening.Ive got them growing in the greenhouse and outside.
I was talking to my nephews girlfriends gran the other day and even she said she was having the same problem.
We have had sun and rain , so i wouldnt of thought there would of been a problem
13 Jul, 2010
mine are fine-- doing very well --- but the greenhouse is half block walls with double glazed windows and a twinwall polycarb roof and it seems to even out the temps. what I have done in the hot weather ( but not now its raining ) is to give the plants a good spray all over until it runs off the leaves and wets the floor and water well morning and evening, even the cucumbers & peppers seem to enjoy it .. be interesting to see what happens now that the weathers changed but I've kept it much drier at the moment
13 Jul, 2010
the varieties are Stupice ( a potato leaf) and cherriola a small tomato -- this is especially vigorous and very sweet-- both grown from seed from T & M and new to me
13 Jul, 2010
I have had a bit of an hit and miss they is about 20 plants in my garden /greenhouse and about only 5 plants have fruits on and a few have had no flowers yet so I don’t know if this is a problem but lets wait and see the plants in the green house have no fruits at all sorry I cant help you more but I am interested to the other replies
13 Jul, 2010