By Violetedna
United Kingdom
We have a standard camellia, the leaves look very healthy
But we have no buds does the plant need food or what
can we do please.
19 Feb, 2015
By Violetedna
United Kingdom
We have a standard camellia, the leaves look very healthy
But we have no buds does the plant need food or what
can we do please.
Hi welcome to GoY, there are Camellia's that flower in autumn, early winter, if you have 1 of these, it won't have buds yet, if you have a spring flowering species, and you have no buds, then I'm afraid you won't get flowers this year, is the plant in the ground? or in a pot?, is the soil acidic, or the compost ericaceous?, spring flowering Camellia's need plenty of water in late summer to help them set flower buds for the next years flowers, if they're in the ground, and the soil acidic, give them a balanced liquid feed in late spring, { although you say the leaves look healthy, in which case it probably doesn't need feeding}, but give it a 2-3" mulch, to keep moisture in, and water well if we get a dry summer, Derek.
19 Feb, 2015