By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Is this Hemerocallis Inner View?
I have lost the label .
I have sent a pm to simbad too. but any one else feel free to chip in :o)

13 Jul, 2010
well simbad sent me one in the spring and the first two flowers were less pink more of a mushroomy pink colour. so lets hope it is.
13 Jul, 2010
Yes SBG it is Inner View, just put another picture of mine on today, colour is much darker now than earlier flowers, like two for the price of one,lol, hope you like it, one of my favourites :-)
13 Jul, 2010
I do like it very much and it is such a large flower too :o)
So thankyou for it.
13 Jul, 2010
just looked at your other photo of it , its a stunner, getting darker all the time. Does it flower over a long season Simbad?
13 Jul, 2010
Simbad does have this one Sbg though it isn't as pink.They do appear so different don't they,quite difficult to id.
13 Jul, 2010