By Hank
United Kingdom
Bamboo, lost question/your reply.
I sent a question in just over an hour ago. Only you answered it so far, recommending 2 plants. (,I'm pretty sure it was you !). I can't find it now. Can you help ? Thanks
On plant
1 Mar, 2015
Hi Hank, if you go to "gardening questions" select page 2, it's about 5 questions down, Derek.
1 Mar, 2015
Thanks Derek.
1 Mar, 2015
I bought my Malope trifida Vulcan Sarah thingummy yesterday and have set some as directed. They were the first flowers I've ever set in my life.
2 Mar, 2015
I've only just seen this thread, sorry Hank - now you've sown them, let's hope they grow... and I should have said to sow a small amount in a pot, so you'd know what they look like when they appear - in newly dug ground, other things grow and if you don't know what your seedlings should look like, there's obviously a problem telling what should be there and what shouldn't...
2 Mar, 2015
S'ok B, I've got 100 seeds and have only set a few as it's perhaps too early, but I'm eager to see the results. I have them in my greenhouse just now and their final resting place is ready for them
2 Mar, 2015
Oh, good...
3 Mar, 2015
Related products
Malope Strawberries And Cream Mix Seeds
£1.99 at Suttons Seeds
Previous question
« Hi, I've browsed Grows on You for inspiration before but not joined until...
I found your reply 15 minutes ago, now I can't find it again ! You recommended. Malope ( which I've never heard of ) and Lavatera ( which my wife always used to go on about ).
Malope trifida vulcan Sarah Raven looks perfect, thanks. Now if it would only stop raining I'd go to Wyevale abd buy some ( if they have them of course !).
Would you please tell me on what page number is your message on,? Many thanks.
1 Mar, 2015