By Ladyessex1
Leigh-on-Sea Essex,
United Kingdom
Acacia dealbata.
I have a mature tree in a large pot approx 7ft high & was wondering how big it would get as in a pot? Also if grown in the ground I've heard that they grow quite big & wondered how big? xx Jackie xx
PS. It looks lovely with all it's small yellow Pom Pom flowers on it at the moment.
12 Mar, 2015
As Botanic has said, be aware that they can really take a bashing if planted out in an exposed area. Up until the last few years, my local nursery had a 5-year guarantee but they have given up on this variety as they have had many returned, dead.
12 Mar, 2015
Thanks for the info :o))
13 Mar, 2015
Previous question
In warm countries up to 40 ft but reality in the UK 10ft perhaps taller in a sheltered spot. They tend to be cut back by cold weather so you do not tend to get large specimens in the UK. Even in a pot you are restricted by ceiling height and being able to move them outside.
12 Mar, 2015