By Cleland
United Kingdom
I have planted many daffodils over the years but many of them never seem to flower.Should I be feeding them and if so on what.
14 Mar, 2015
They do need to be planted at the right depth for the bulb though. Try applying a slow release bulb fertiliser in a couple of weeks time (Universal bulb fertiliser is available from most bulb companies also Tesco online) Ideally it should be put in to the planting hole but it can be used as a top dressing.
Don't let the soil dry out, deadhead them but don't cut back or tie up the foliage after flowering.
14 Mar, 2015
Maybe you took off the leaves too soon after flowering one year? The leaves should be left for about six weeks, otherwise the following year they do come up 'blind'. What a shame.
15 Mar, 2015
Daffodils will come up blind if they have been cut down after flowering. I always leave mine until they are totally wilted and then remove the dead foliage.
15 Mar, 2015
In my experience, after feeding once the blooms have gone, many do return the following year, but there are always some that do not. I've had some for over twenty years and they still flower well even when I don't feed them. I'm fast coming to the conclusion that Derekm is right that we need to buy bulbs from a reputable supplier.
Feed them. I use a high potash such as tomato food. Other more experienced gardeners here will give you detailed advice and I look forward to reading it.
15 Mar, 2015
Hi, welcome to GoY, sometimes daffs do come up 'blind', but it shouldn't be the majority of them, if they have been bought from a reputable dealer, they should be of flowering size, and flower the following year, from being planted in autumn, it doesn't even matter which way up you plant them, they should still come up and flower, Derek.
14 Mar, 2015