By Asforster
United Kingdom
How do I tell autumn raspberry canes from early fruiting
15 Mar, 2015
Hi Asforster and welcome to GoY. If you've just moved and found the raspberries in your garden unless one of your neighbours knows which they are you are going to have to wait for them to fruit before you can really tell. The autumn fruiting canes do look slightly different so try Googling images of and see whether your canes match.
15 Mar, 2015
I lost my labels, and planted them all in a row. Was pleased to have more raspberries when August came and went. I didnt bother about seperating them. Happy days.
16 Mar, 2015
They need pruning differently though Diane
16 Mar, 2015
Thank you for your help with my raspberry canes.
13 Apr, 2015
Previous question
There wont be any fruit until Autumn.
15 Mar, 2015