By Alanwatts
United Kingdom
I have an Osmanthus shrub in my garden which was already there when we moved in 5 years ago. I read that they produce very fragrant white flowers every year, sadly it has never flowered, could you suggest the reason it doesn't flower, i would love to see it in bloom.
Thank you
26 Mar, 2015
thinking about it nor has mine. mmmm I need to investigate.
27 Mar, 2015
Thank you both for replying to my question regarding my Osmanthus not flowering, i have doubled checked to be sure it's an Osmanthus! I'm pretty sure it is, looked it up and i believe it's Osmanthus heterophyllus,I've got it growing in full Sun,which according to the book is ideal. I'd still like to know why it doesn't flower, hope one of you knowledgeable gardening experts out there can help me.
Thanks Alan
29 Mar, 2015
O. heterophyllus (should have holly like leaves, prickly), flowers in autumn, not now. I've never actually seen one in flower, but that may be because any garden where I've planted it isn't somewhere I've been again at that time of year. This one's usually grown for its foliage, if it's the variegated one called O. heterophyllus 'Goshiki'.
All the others flower in spring/early summer.
30 Mar, 2015
I'd ask if you're certain its an Osmanthus, and if so, which variety it is? Is it in shade or full sun or somewhere in between?
26 Mar, 2015