County Durham,
United Kingdom
Hya, Can you tell me whats wrong, I planted 3 Conifers in October, but they quickly developed problems started to turn Light Brown, and not looking to good, one of them has lost the top half, it just fell of and the other two are slowly getting Browner, can you tell me where I've gone wrong, I have grown them before they are now a good 20ft tall, but have had no luck with these ones, can you help please,
26 Mar, 2015
what was the ground like before you planted them too ? did they replace trees ?
27 Mar, 2015
Knowing the variety of conifer is quite important, but otherwise, how well did you keep them watered after you'd planted them? Usual cause for browning all over is drought or wind burn.
28 Mar, 2015
Which conifers were these and how had they been grown before you planted them in the ground?
26 Mar, 2015