By Alanbell
United Kingdom
Whilst planting pansies is it better to "nip-out" the centre flower?
26 Mar, 2015
Gosh - are your pansies on steroids, Derek? Mine never get that tall!
27 Mar, 2015
I do tend to nip out to keep them flowering and to stop them from getting straggly, but 9" tall - not for me as I would say they naturally flop when getting to straggly!
27 Mar, 2015
Hi, Viola x wittrockiana cultivars { pansy} are derived from cross-breeding V altaica, Vcornuta, Vlutea, and V tricolor, there are quite a few ' series', each with a number of varieties, apart from Avalanche Series, which are intended for hanging baskets and containers, and
produce flowers in winter and spring, and only grow to
2 1/2", the rest grow to between 6 and 9", so a lot depends on which 'series' you're growing, Derek.
27 Mar, 2015
Previous question
Hi, welcome to GoY, no it isn't necessary, they naturally branch, and grow to about 9" tall, Derek.
26 Mar, 2015