By Bluebell78
United Kingdom
Hi, bug house advice needed :)
I've bought a bug house today which ive put in a south facing position where hopefully the sun should warm it. Was this the correct position. I've hung it on the side of my shed out of the reach of my kitten! I am hoping to attract a solitary bee as we had leaf cutter bees at the old house and I miss watching them.
27 Mar, 2015
sounds a great spot , I have a bee box in the greenhouse next to the window , I had it bought as a Christmas present in 2013 and put it on the shelf meaning to put up , and before I knew it in the spring it had bees coming and going I left the window open all summer and I open in the spring
28 Mar, 2015
Thanks for your replies. It's just under the rim of the roof so it has shelter. I saw my first 2015 bumble bee yesterday, he was poking around in the moss. We had nests in the walls last year so hope they return. Was lovely watching their 'buzzy' lives!
29 Mar, 2015
I would say that it is in the correct position. Also, it would be good that it gets some shelter from the rain in some way.
27 Mar, 2015