By Ianplant
United Kingdom
.I purchased these Surfinia plants for my neighbour ,a week ago, this morning she comes over in her nightie and says ,they are dying!! I think they have frost bite, do you agree? She put them in a new clear,very thin, foldable , plastic cold frame.

30 Mar, 2015
Yep, agree. Way too early for them to be outside, even in a cold frame. They can't go out properly till end of May, and certainly, as the weather isn't very warm this year so far, they should be somewhere heated or indoors until beginning of May.
I hope she had a coat or something over her nightie...
30 Mar, 2015
The mind boggles .....With the strength of the wind thatwouldn't do muchfor young plants.....or nighties ?
31 Mar, 2015
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She might suffer the same way if she doesn't get dressed.
I think they'll recover OK if it doesn't happen again - suppose you advise her to put fleece over them at night for a while?
30 Mar, 2015