By Tercol
United Kingdom
After watching the garden challenge program on tv they had grown cucuamelons, having never heard of them I purchased seeds and have planted them on my window cill they have now produced 2 leaves each, do I nip out the centres or leave them growing as they are
3 Apr, 2015
I have these growing myself and they're just getting 1st true leaves. I started them in my heated propagator but they've been in the unheated greebhouse for about 3 weeks now. A bit slow growing but I hope once it warms up a bit they might get a spurt on. I'd be interested to know how you get on with them.
4 Apr, 2015
If these are the cotyledons i.e. the first two roundish leaves to appear the last thing you want to do is nip them out as your cucamelons won't grow into plants.
4 Apr, 2015