By Kev_rowley
east staffordshire,
United Kingdom
guara problem
Hi all,
my better half loves guara's, my problem is I cannot seem to get them to return. Labels say it's perennial, i've tried for the last two years, without success. First year was in part shade, second in full sun, both times in a pot. Are they a temperamental plant or is it me doing something wrong? The label says hardy and perennial in the right conditions
Any advice be welcome,
Cheers Kev
6 Apr, 2015
Gaura are from the Fuchsia family. I grow them at work and we're in a north east facing garden so it get's pretty cold in winter. They're not the hardiest thing in the world but this is how i get mine through.
They need a very well drained soil....they'll hate sitting in cold, wet soil all winter. I stuff loads of dry tree leaves around the crowns (other leaves are available lol)....don't cut back the top growth until around now, just like a fuchsia.
Also, don't give up on any plants which haven't started growing yet....they might just be late starters.
Good luck
6 Apr, 2015
Thanks Landgirl / Badfish, seems like you both plumb for the ground, will try and find a not to exposed spot on the sunnyside of the garden. hopefully third time lucky?
Thanks again both
6 Apr, 2015
I agree with the above. if you do grow it as a pot specimen treat it like a dahlia, in the autumn bring the pot under cover so it stays frost free. if its any consolation I couldn't get mine to overwinter in the ground!
7 Apr, 2015
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Do you mean Gaura? Shouldn't be temperamental, but probably does better in the ground, rather than in a pot. Some species are only annual.
6 Apr, 2015