By Victoria7
United Kingdom
I've just found mice in my compost bin is this a problem? They're very cute
9 Apr, 2015
Those diseases are unlikely in the UK! Just keep adding to and mixing up the compost to discourage anything from taking up residence.
9 Apr, 2015
Agree those diseases, especially rabies and the plague are extremely unlikely in the UK. Is you compost perhaps on the dry side?
9 Apr, 2015
I've got a rat in one of mine and keep putting off emptying it...(serves me right for not looking after it properly)
9 Apr, 2015
You don't want rodents in your compost bin: use an an old fashioned wooden trap- quick ,humane and very effective; I had rats in mine and killed 8 in quick succession.
10 Apr, 2015
Ach field mice aren't a real problem Davros... Rats are a different kettle of fish!
10 Apr, 2015
Two little mice jumped out of my compost bin yesterday, so sweet. They have to live somewhere and I'd rather there than in the car boot where they took up residence a few years ago!
10 Apr, 2015
If you live in a tight urban area and you are including kitchen waste in your compost bin it would be best to reduce or eliminate the mice. If you have a reasonably large section of property or live in a rural area live and let live if you wish.
11 Apr, 2015
Ah well all we know is that Victoria is in the UK. Living where we do eliminating every last mouse isn't feasible or necessary. We did set a trap in the walk in cupboard in the kitchen when I discovered that a whole bag of dry cat food had been eaten and caught that little dear. We also set in the greenhouse but, other than that, it's live and let live.
11 Apr, 2015
Thanks all, am new to this website and not sure what am doing!
14 Apr, 2015
I discourage mice around the home, because of the diseases they can carry, including rabies, hantaviruses, and plague. Though I do agree: they're very cute!
9 Apr, 2015