By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Unknown plant. id if you can please.
An unidentified seedling looked interesting so I didn't throw it out. It came in a bag of compost is the only thing I can think of. But what is it? The stems are softly hairy.

9 Apr, 2015
the leaf does look like it. now do I keep it or chuck it?
9 Apr, 2015
I'd keep it, they are pretty. I think they seed around a bit though.
9 Apr, 2015
Did you know the bright yellow sap of greater celandines used to be used to get rid of warts? A herbalist sold us some years ago and it worked like a charm (or probably better!) although after H&S she denied she'd ever prescribed any...
9 Apr, 2015
This plant always gets smothered in white fly in this area, so I weed it up as soon as I see it. Interesting about the wart cure though, I might just try it!
9 Apr, 2015
Be careful then - must have been banned for a reason. Don't get any in your eyes.But it did work well.
9 Apr, 2015
My dad used to 'buy' them off us when we were children. He'd rub the wart with a penny [old proper copper ones] and then say 'I am buying this wart off you. if it doesn't go in 14 days I want my penny back'. whether it was the copper or just a coincidence the warts always disappeared. :o)
9 Apr, 2015
My Dad used to tell me the same thing but not having warts he never tried it with me.
10 Apr, 2015
Previous question
« I've just found mice in my compost bin is this a problem? They're very cute
Could it be Greater Celandine, Chelidonium majus?
9 Apr, 2015