By Bluebell78
United Kingdom
Water lily help needed!
I'm such a novice at this water gardening but I also love it and I get so much pleasure out of watching it all grow.
However, I repotted my dwarf water lily Nymphaea Aurora and it didn't have any buds only roots. It has been planted in my garden soil ( clay based) and as you can see it has a layer of clean gravel over it.
It's in a sunny position and has been there a week but no signs of growth. :( I don't know what to do with it. Am I best just waiting it out. I've just bought some fertiliser cones for it so maybe they will help it?
Maybe you lovely folk can put my mind at rest.
Ps: It has about 10 cm of water over it. Hoping to move it down when the leaves appear to the surface.

10 Apr, 2015
Hi Badfish, I think you're right and I'm being too eager! I will def give it more time to wake up. Do you suggest putting the fertiliser tablets in when there are fresh leaves?
10 Apr, 2015
I've never used them. I find lillies get all the nutrients from any fish you have. I have 10 large lillies and they've grown huge in just 2 years since planting and no additional ferts have been used.
11 Apr, 2015
there fine bb
11 Apr, 2015
Almost any water plant is a no care plant other than keeping it from getting out of hand and covering too much water surface area in the pond. Example, the water hyacinth. Place three of these free floating plants in the pond and in several months one will be taking about three hundred out of the pond and into the compost pile.
11 Apr, 2015
Thanks Noseypotter and Loosestrife. There are no fish in it so it's all due to the plants to keep it clear. Loose, I will bear that advice in mind thx. I'm glad I chose a smaller one now. I shall have to stop fretting and enjoy it.
11 Apr, 2015
your welcome
11 Apr, 2015
12 Apr, 2015
Give it time, it's still pretty cold despite this weeks warmer weather....we're getting 20 degrees during the day but it's going down to 0 at night down south and this can really affect ponds.
Give it time
10 Apr, 2015