By Woodbine
United Kingdom
I have half an allotment and now they have offered me a full allotment. I can move my rhubarb crowns but can I move onions, garlic, broad beans and potatoes to the new allotment?
10 Apr, 2015
Thanks badfish, my problem with wanting a whole allotment is I love trying new things as well the tried and trusted.
10 Apr, 2015
You dont say how many poles these plots are.
Ten poles should keep a family in vegetables all year round.
Remember you have to make space to park your car, make a manure heap to rot down for 2 years, possibly
have a small hut and a secure tool shed, maybe even a greenhouse as there are many abandoned ones available for free - new owner collect.
Good luck anyway.
10 Apr, 2015
Mine is approx 3 poles and with a compost heap and a 2M x 3 M poly tunnel the extra half is really needed. My toolbox is just off the plot as is parking. I will look at the offered plot and then decide. As badfish thinks I could move the onions and garlic all would not be lost and perhaps the new owner will share the crop!
10 Apr, 2015
Also remember you have to store your vegetables for winter, and make space for winter crops. Although they would do well in the polytunnel once the risk of white fly is over.
Anyway, if the Committee have offered you extra land
its a complement to your gardening expertise !
11 Apr, 2015
On further reflection there is something wrong here. It would be impossible to grow the quantity described on 3 poles of land. Also allotment gardeners never ever run around giving vegetables to friends. They take too much work to grow.
Maybe the plot is 13 pole ? Even then it would be just enough space to grow for the family plus the polytunnel.
11 Apr, 2015
I'm surprised you are planning to move your rhubarb - mine is huge now and cropping vigorously!
12 Apr, 2015
I have no choice other than to leave it to the new tenant which, as mine is also cropping vigorously, I am loathe to do.
13 Apr, 2015
Take a spade full of Rhubarb roots. Leave them to grow 3 years before using any. Its a slow process.
14 Apr, 2015
Loads of sympathy then Woodbine, and best of luck with it. If it doesn't take you can always play the sympathy card with the new tenant next year until yours is established again!
Diane I don't think that applies to all allotment holders! Many gardeners enjoy being able to give away some of their surplus.
14 Apr, 2015
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To be honest, i found a half plot to be more than enough to keep family and friends in enough veg to sink a battleship.
Maybe a rethink on what you're growing and a decent space managment system would be better.
I would be comfortable moving onions and garlic but that's about is.
10 Apr, 2015