By Cazoo1
United Kingdom
Hi I have been given two quite old Aloa's very well established they are too. I have over wintered them in my laundry room and now the suns out I have moved them outside. I have put them into quite a sun trap and leave them out at night. But I have noticed they have gone from quite a vibrant green to a rather dull this because its too hot OR is it too cold at night. Please help I should hate to lose them.
16 Apr, 2015
do you mean Aloe? As in Aloe vera? or some other variety of Aloe? If so, you've put them out much too early - they can be stood outside in high summer, so mid June through to maybe end of July, depends on the summer, then they must be brought back indoors though it depends on the variety of aloe. When you move them outdoors, they still need to be hardened off by being left out for gradually increasing periods during the day, till they're out overnight.
The temperatures and climate generally here are not ideal for this type of plant, but there are some hardier varieties which will survive in well drained positions in warmer regions. Not sure where you are counts as a 'warmer region'!
16 Apr, 2015
Yes they are Aloe vera...rather than a dull green they seem to have taken on a brown color...I have bought them back inside now but they are really too big to stay indoors.They must be at least 10 years old so the climate must suit maybe they are the hardier variety.
But Thank You anyway for the replies.
17 Apr, 2015
I just checked - nope, can't be grown outdoors in UK, almost all the UK is Zone 8, and the lowest recommended zone for these is 9, and only then for a couple of particular varieties, not including aloe vera. All the rest are Zone 10 and above. If they're huge, that might be why you ended up with them - if they produce pups, you could grow those on and bin the original.
17 Apr, 2015
No they are not huge at all they are in pots which altho heavy can be lifted indoors....again thanks for the interest.
17 Apr, 2015
If you leave them outside as soon as the weather gets a bit warmer you can leave them out all summer and they will look much healthier by the autumn. At least mine does. Best on a patio rather than soil though to discourage slugs.
17 Apr, 2015
Thanks again...good to talk again
18 Apr, 2015
Previous question
It may simply have been that there was a lower light level in the laundry room than outside. They are plants for full sun and the darker green is normally the more natural one.
16 Apr, 2015