By Andrea
United Kingdom
Bindweed...sadly imported from soil collected via `Gumtree` ad...any advice on how to rid would be appreciated.
16 Apr, 2015
This is the time of year to deal with it. Dig out all the roots. Some of them will be 20 feet underground. So when the little shoots come through again which will be about now, plaster with 'Round Up' or similar root killing treatment.
There are old ironstone mines around here. 40 feet below the surface. The men said when they go down them the
Bindweed roots are trailing on their heads.
17 Apr, 2015
as said as soon as you see it remove it either by hand or with Glyphosate. You wont get rid all in one go. At least it wont be very deep.
if you get soil again, sieve/riddle it to remove any obvious bits. but if it has the seed that will be more difficult.
I have bind weed courtesy of a neighbour who lets it grow as she likes the white flowers!
17 Apr, 2015
I agree with the above will have to be vigilant,as it pops up everywhere..We had it here,when we fisrt moved,all growing up a high wall..but with perserverance,you will conquer it..
17 Apr, 2015
The roots can go down very deep as Diane says, so its hard to dig it all out. Its easy to see which are the roots, they are thick and white (popularly called Devil's guts and I can see why) For bits that are left in amongst other plants try this: Put a garden cane by each bit as it appears and let it grow up it. Then when its got lots of leaves lay the cane flat, protect surrounding plants and spray with glyphosate.
17 Apr, 2015
Thanks very much for all the replies...let the battle commence!
17 Apr, 2015
either the old fashioned way bye digging it out or a membrane .
17 Apr, 2015