By Hank
United Kingdom
I've been trying to grow carrots for years and you guys have explained why. So I've made a mixture of sharp sand and seed compost, filled the cardboard rolls you see below and put one seed in each. All in a large plantpot half filled with garden soil.
I've also filled roll, sunk them in a raised bed and put 1 seed in each which are growing too.
My question is - what are my chances of growing carrots this way ?

16 Apr, 2015
Remember to keep them damp. Also if you can get some soot it keeps the Carrot Fly off.
17 Apr, 2015
Woops, sorry, that should be soot which is 6 months old.
17 Apr, 2015
Thanks guys, will look out for dreaded carrot flies. But the carrots are in my greenhouse so far - might the little perishers get in there or are they safe ?
17 Apr, 2015
Not sure where I'll get 6 months old soot though ?
17 Apr, 2015
I don't grow veg (which never seems to produce the right amount -either not enough or so much that friends and family won't take it away) but I would have thought that protecting against pests before you see them was better than looking out for them. Experience in gardening is that by the time you see the pests the damage is done.
6 month old soot - very hard to come by. You could contact local chimney sweeps but they tend not to keep it. I asked my chimney sweep for my soot last year - there wasn't much of it.
17 Apr, 2015
Thanks Snoop, i have plenty of fleece and will attend to it this morning.
18 Apr, 2015
With reference to the photo I sent - (the cardboard tubes are 2 inches diameter and 9 inches long) - would you sink holes in a raised bed and and shove them right in or leave they in the large plantpot ? I.e, would they be better outside ?
18 Apr, 2015
Last year my cousin bought a kit to grow carrots. She gave me about three hundred seedlings in a tiny pot. I tried to separate them and plant them out. The thing is....I still got lovely carrots. I am sure you will be lucky. I am trying again but direct sowing this time.
16 Apr, 2015