By Melpilcher
United Kingdom
How to I get rid of epimidium that has run out of control ?
18 Apr, 2015
If you live near Hull I'd take it off your hands too.
I have never known an epimedium run out of control. wish mine would .
18 Apr, 2015
Just dig out the parts you don't want and put them on Freecycle. I moved a chunk of one last year and it was fine.
18 Apr, 2015
The trick to getting it out is one small piece at a time, rather than trying to get a spade under a large chunk.
18 Apr, 2015
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« Will the allium seeds produce flowers the first year ? Julie wicklow I'll.
You could dig up clumps and give it to people or see if the local parks dept wants and or failing that, good old roundup.
Hope you find a home, i'd have it all off you if you live anywhere near Brighton.
18 Apr, 2015