By Marigold1
United Kingdom
My Acer Palmatum dissectum Crimson Queen which has been magnificent and the envy of everyone has only got leaves on its tips this year. Otherwise completely bare. I am devastated. I have seen lots of small birds on it pecking away. Could it be that they have eaten the new growth, but if so why has this not happened in previous years. The only thing I have done different is to give it a feed of chicken Manure pellets in March. Otherwise over the last 10 years it has had very little attention other than adoration. Is it worth leaving it insitu to see if it will regrow next year. Has anyone had a similar experience and what did you do. Jean
- 18 Apr, 2015
I'm no expert, but Acers need acidic soil, I thought chicken pellets were alkaline. Is that right / wrong ?
18 Apr, 2015
Acers do not need acidic soil, they prefer neutral to acidic soil, prefer not need.
The little birds might be eating insects and also knocking off leaves, a pic would help...
18 Apr, 2015
Previous question
A photo would really help.
18 Apr, 2015