By Elke
Nova Scotia,
This is an orchid we've had for a year. Now it's blooming.
Perhaps someone with orchid knowledge can name it for me. The leaves are similar to cattleya orchid leaves, but long and narrow, and there are several blooms on a long stem. The bottom one has opened first. Thanks in advance!

20 Apr, 2015
Isn't it just, Seaburngirl? It looks different again today, I've posted another photo.
22 Apr, 2015
February 18, 2018 - update.Since I last wrote, this orchid has put out long stalks (60+ cm) with dozens of blooms on each one. A new one every couple of weeks, and sometimes 4 or 5 at the same time. The flowers don't last long. The bottom on is usually dead by the time the last one (usually about 12-14 in all) has opened.
18 Feb, 2018
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« Help ! The leaves have all fallen off my Lophomyrtus! New last summer ..had...
sorry I don't know which one it is. but it is very pretty.
22 Apr, 2015