By Nannyann
United Kingdom
I have a Wisteria that has been in a pot for approx 2years when would be the best time to put in the ground and will it be better in sun or shade

20 Apr, 2015
I have a pink one growing against the house. The blue one grows very big so beware. The main problem is not flowering. Some people wait years.
20 Apr, 2015
Many thanks for your help
21 Apr, 2015
Previous question
« This is an orchid we've had for a year. Now it's blooming. Perhaps someone...
They like sun, but the most important thing is choosing a spot that's big enough - this plant will get 35 feet by 15-20 feet wide eventually, and needs a very strong support in place before you plant it, so select somewhere it can grow that large and make sure you've put up a support, then plant. Unless you're going to let it ramble at will over an existing structure, like a garage or large shed roof or similar, that is. They grow rapidly from now onwards once in the ground. If you plant it now, it will need frequent and copious watering during dry spells, otherwise, wait till Autumn.
20 Apr, 2015