By Lesley782
United Kingdom
Does anybody know which plants will deter cats from my garden? It's not that I don't like cats but they seem to be getting too fond of chasing the birds (the feathered variety). Thanks, Lesley.
19 Jul, 2010
Thanks for your suggestion, but my problem is the cats stalk the birds and then
pounce on them usually from the lawn. I'm sure at some time I've heard there
are certain plants cats won't go near. If anybody knows which plants they are
please let me know. Thanks, Lesley
19 Jul, 2010
The Coleus canina plant is sold as a cat deterrent, but other members say that it doesn't work. We've been asked this question many times, but nobody has come up with any plants that keep cats away, I'm afraid, Lesley. I think there's a fortune waiting for anyone that breeds one!
19 Jul, 2010
Thanks for the name of the plant, I think I might give it a try if I can find it. I'll let you know if it works. Lesley
19 Jul, 2010
Curry Plant (Helichrysum italicum) & Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) are also both used as cat repellents - in both cases the strong smell is supposed to keep them away, but presumably only from the immediate vicinity of the plants.
19 Jul, 2010
Thank you, I'll try your suggestions. Lesley
19 Jul, 2010
I use oranges - usually cut them into quarters and disperse them where I dont want the cats to go - it seems to work for me
19 Jul, 2010
Thanks for the tip, I'll try that. Lesley
21 Jul, 2010
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Prickly thorny ones!!
We put the rose prunings on our seed bed but always ended up getting thorns in ourselves. Wont keep cats out of the garden but hopefully they will find places they like better. Otherwise not heard of anything that works. Hope someone else may have discovered something.
19 Jul, 2010