By Robroy
County Londonderry,
United Kingdom
how do i get korean fir seeds to germinate?
24 Apr, 2015
Thanks Pamg, I have chilled them in a fridge ,in a freezer,left them outside in compost all to no avail.I thought maybe I was doing something wrong.I'll just have to keep trying,I love the blue cones I think they contrast well with the dark green of the foliage.Again thank you for your answer.
25 Apr, 2015
Hi, you need to sow the seed in a largish pot, 1" deep, in sand, perlite, or vermiculite, or a mixture of equal amounts of all 3, moisten it and put in polythene bag, place in a fridge for 6 weeks, checking regularly that the mix hasn't dried out, [ it must be kept moist at all times], if after 4 weeks you see that the seed has germinated, take it out of the fridge, and put in a site sheltered from direct sun, still in the pot, carry on keeping it moist until it has 3 sets of branches, you can then plant out where you want the tree to grow to maturity, forgot to mention, before you sow the seed, coat it in a powdered fungicide, [you can use a small paint brush for this], Derek.
25 Apr, 2015
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Have you chilled them?
A lot of tree seeds need time in the cold to germinate, you could mix them with some compost and into a sealed container in the fridge for a month or two, or failing that keep them safe, cool and dry until next winter then put in a cold frame or sheltered outdoor area
24 Apr, 2015