By Grannysanny
United Kingdom
Can I prune and move a 7 year old 7feet high camellia?
- 24 Apr, 2015
And don't do it at this time of year if you can possibly avoid it
24 Apr, 2015
Previous question
By Grannysanny
United Kingdom
Can I prune and move a 7 year old 7feet high camellia?
And don't do it at this time of year if you can possibly avoid it
24 Apr, 2015
Previous question
welcome to GoY
You can but it is a big shrub and you'd have to take as much soil with it as possible. you'd have to reduce its height by at least 1/2 and water it copiously for weeks until the roots re-established. and then if you are lucky it may sulk then recover. if it has to move due to extension building etc then you have to give it a try.
24 Apr, 2015