By Flower_girl
United Kingdom
I have a Kilmarnock willow which I rescued from a well known DIY/Garden Centre store that was practically on its last legs. It's now a thriving mini tree with plenty of lush new growth. Unfortunately this morning I noticed that it has a rusty orange substance on some of its new branch growth and also on the underside of some older leaves. Can anyone tell me what this is and the remedy if any.
19 Jul, 2010
Bamboo ~ thanks for the quick response, my husband has gone to buy the appropriate spray. It would be such a shame to lose this little tree as its really come on in leaps and bounds with a lot of tlc.
20 Jul, 2010
Previous question
Its rust - these trees are particularly prone to this. Get a fungicide spray which treats for rust and spray it, though its difficult to control once its got a hold. Next year, keep a close watch on the plant and spray at the very first hint of rust.
19 Jul, 2010