By Trixybell
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
W kind of plants will grow near a privit hedge that is in the shade until after 2,pm
26 Apr, 2015
Privit is a gross feeder so as Urbanite has already stated you will need to dig in plenty of organic material and feed and water regularly.
27 Apr, 2015
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« Plant ID: Thank you in advance for your help! We bought a package of "Sweet...
After I chopped it down, I planted daffodils (Falconet and Sweetness) under the remains of my privet. It gets the morning sun only but the daffs have been great this year (in spite of spending last winter under builders' rubble).
Cyclamen are supposed to do well under privet (they don't survive under builders' rubble)
If you choose 'woodland' plants, the amount of light won't matter so much, but dig in some organic material help things along by regular feeding and watering.
27 Apr, 2015