United Kingdom
Hi Im new here, but looking forward to getting to know you all.
can anyone recommend small shade loving ferns?
many thanks!
4 May, 2015
I've always liked the ursulas-red (athyrium-niponicum).
Not too everyone's taste, but adds a bit of variation in colour.
5 May, 2015
Yes there are lots of different shade of these now, but they do need moist shade which is why i asked if that was where they were for. For nice woodsy soil in shade the Lady Fern Athyrium felix femina is lovely too. But in dryer ground you'd be better with one of the Dryopteris or a Polystichum - I've grown P. setiferum at the base of a north facing fence in very dry soil. Polypodium are much smaller but are happy here on dry banks. Harts tongue ferns are small but do need damp shade.
Long Acre Plants specialise in shade plants and have a selection of ferns on their website.
5 May, 2015
Most of the ferns are shade loving. How small is small, and is it for a damp leafy area or a dry one?
4 May, 2015