United States
What do I use to combat thrips, chafer beetles and ants on my roses? They are destroying the petals and buds. I have had little help from local nurseries to battle this and have no idea what to do. I am looking for something that is not toxic to animals,people,and bees. Any information(expertise) on this problem would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much . Denise (having a minor melt down) in Boulder Creek,CA.
5 May, 2015
I use Decis for controlling thrips. And everything else for that matter. Far better than anything in the shops or garden centres.
Like all insecticides, if you spray a bee directly, or spray your dog, or drink the neat stuff, you might have a few problems.
Use a bit of common sense and you won't.
"Because decis is a unique single-isomer pyrethroid, it is not only highly effective, but is selective and can be used at lower rates. It will not harm beneficials such as lacewings and will not affect bees if used at the right rates and at the right time. decis also has a longer duration of activity to ensure the maximum protection for your crop. Unlike many other pyrethroids, decis is specifically approved for use in flowering crop"
6 May, 2015
Well, this is why I stopped growing roses. In order to control the rose pests you mentioned you would have to use something that is toxic to animals, people and bees. Example, the only way to control thrips effectively is to use a systemic pesticide.
5 May, 2015