By Paulspatch
United Kingdom
I've seen a rambler this morning that I am considering buying.I went out looking for something to cover part of the fence or wall at the back of my new garden.
Was very taken with a Rambling Rose (Perennial Blue).Just wondered if anyone has any personal experience of it and whether it has fairly good resistance to disease and what flowering period and scent are like
14 May, 2015
Pauls Scarlet does well here um Paul!
its more a climber than a rambler but is no trouble.....
14 May, 2015
its reputed to be very fragrant, expected height 3 metres (around 10 feet) with likely a similar spread, although if you look at Peter Beales site, they predict half that. Some sellers refer to sizes within 3 years though, so maybe that's the difference - 3 metres is ultimately. Can be used as a 'weeping' rose, which suggests it needs quite a bit of tying in, so erect a good support beforehand. Will cope on a north facing wall quite well, glossy foliage, reasonable disease resistance.
14 May, 2015
Thanks, everyone.Yes, I've taken the plunge........
The scent is nice...and the colour, I've always liked blue shades and these flowers start a reddish colour and fade blueish.
I don't want one that grows too huge as its only a six feet fence and you are right,Bamboo...they are quite wispy stems so will need tying in.I have some screw in eyes to put into the posts and arris rails and storng wire which I will tie the stems to. It should take the bareness off the fence and Iwill have the perfume when I am working on my veg patch which I will be digging very close to the fence.This should bring in plenty of bees to pollinate.
15 May, 2015
I'd be interested to hear how it does - whether its actually repeat flowering, and how strong the fragrance is or isn't. If it sticks to the predicted size, seems like a good bet for smaller gardens too.
16 May, 2015
Yes.....I will try and train it along the fence rather than up and over.....No point planting it for most of it to end up over the other side of the fence.It would appear that it isn't a particularly big grower....Although the lady in the nursery sad she had some last year also and they grew very fast in the pots.But, that maybe because they were in a poly tunnel.
I've planted it today, having left it in the pot by the house for a couple of nights to risk any shock of moving from the poly tunnel at the nursery(although it wasn't a heated poly tunnel.
It's not a very strong scent but I could smell it whilst planting it.
16 May, 2015
It sounds nice, Paul. I've never had any roses that could be even remotely described as blue. I remember when Blue Moon was introduced in the 60s. It was considered very exotic.
2 Nov, 2015
Yes, I remember my mum having that one.was never particulalry keen on it myself(a bit cold looking)
There is one (not a rambler) Rhapsody in Blue that has a lovely bluey/purple type flower .This one is more a red really which fades to bluefish.
It has grown incredibly fast and I'm hoping for lots of flowers next year!
3 Nov, 2015
I had a look at some pictures of it on Google. It looks very nice - if it does well you should get plenty of flowers. I like ramblers, but I also like the shape of Blue Moon, although I agree with you about the rather cold look.
4 Nov, 2015
Not a rose colour that I would consider, so unlikely to stick my nose in it, but a couple of websites refer to the scent as light musky. It's supposed to be repeat flowering - late spring to first frost, according to
14 May, 2015