By Ghlj
United Kingdom
Can anyone identify this plant for me please? It is in my daughter's garden in north Wales and is flowering now.

18 May, 2015
Oh dear, someone's pruned that one - they don't respond to hard pruning - they must only be lightly clipped over immediately after flowering, taking about an inch of foliage maximum. This one will never look any better than it looks now - as for variety, I reckon this one was probably Cytisus 'Eva', or a cultivar of Cytisus scoparius.
18 May, 2015
Thanks to you both. I thought it looked like a broom but thought most were yellow.
18 May, 2015
Needs starting again from a cutting. Very easy, after flowering. They roots very quickly.
18 May, 2015
Cytisus 'boskoop ruby' . . . see Amy's photo!
18 May, 2015
I still think its 'Eva', sheilabub - boskoop ruby is much redder, especially the top petals, doesn't have the slightly 'peachy' colour.
18 May, 2015
I think Bamboo is probably right Sheila mine is completely red where as this pretty one is two-toned , definitely a Cytisus though ! ...
18 May, 2015
I bow to your superior knowledge Bamboo, and Amy . . . I'm just an amateur!
18 May, 2015
Please don't say that Sheila I have a feeling you know more than I shall ever know with your experience .. :o)) x
19 May, 2015
She (Sheila) does, Amy, you can't beat hands on experience and personal research... I think this plant is really a very pretty colour, shame they get so big, I'd like one on my balcony!
19 May, 2015
Good gracious . . . thank you both (I'm blushing now!) x
19 May, 2015
Many thanks to you all for your contributions.
24 May, 2015
Previous question
« My pear tree has fruit on it but the leaves are turning black why please
Cytisus, Broom in English.
Many varieties and hybrids. Burkwoodii possibly.
18 May, 2015