United Kingdom
Honesty Lunaria. I received plug plants of these on March 20th. I have looked them up and found that that they can be grown as an annual or a biennial. They now have 8 leaves and my question is, do you think they will flower this year?
18 May, 2015
I don't think they will, if what you've bought is Lunaria annua - these are like foxgloves, they're seedlings one year, grow up a bit, then sit and wait till the following year to flower. At the size you're talking about, they may be new seedlings this year, and if so, they'll flower next year.
18 May, 2015
Don't listen to me - just an optimist. Bamboo is rarely wrong!
18 May, 2015
Oh yes Sheilabub, I know that Bamboo is hardly ever wrong. My research did suggest though that if they are germinated early enough, they would flower the same year, so I was hopeful. However, Bamboo has taken this into account and arrived at her considered conclusion. If they are already flowering for you i can see that mine have a helluva long way to go. Thankyou Sheila and Bamboo, i will now make other arrangements as to where I will plant them. What a fab group this is!
BTW Bamboo, I'm not being sarcastic. I know you have been subjected to unfavourable comments in the past but I always mean what I say. So thankyou for carrying on here.
19 May, 2015
thank you, Merlinbaby... very kind. Some cultivars of Lunaria do flower a little later, so you might find you get some flowers, as you say, depends when they started them off. Ask the company that supplied them, they should know for sure.
19 May, 2015
I think there's a reasonable chance, Merlin. There are some flowering already in the garden, but you might be lucky with water and warmth - good luck!
18 May, 2015