By Androse
United Kingdom
Hi all
I haven't been here for a while but can anyone help me I have 4 small Kilmarnock willows 2 are in pots and one of the potted ones has buds, willows and some leaves but they are not coming to anything while the other potted one is beautiful any suggestions
19 May, 2015
No the pots are the same size they were bought about 2 months apart. And they are both situated in the same location
19 May, 2015
Reminds me of two Skimma's I bought at the same time, same pot, same position etc. One started throwing out new shoots and looked great, the other didn't do anything. Last week I tipped out the sad one and there in the soil was one of the little white grubs who had happily munched through most of the roots, no wonder the poor thing was hanging on only! Just a thought, might be an invader.
20 May, 2015
As Honeysuckle's cautionary tale suggests - check the roots, assuming you can't find anything that shouldn't be there on the bark, branches or leaves.
20 May, 2015
Are the pots different sizes? Is the one that's not doing well generally a bit bigger than the others? Is the failing one in a different situation in terms of wind, sun/shade?
19 May, 2015