By Johnboy52
East Lothian,
United Kingdom
Does anyone know what the name of this is it does have a slight fragrance like vanilla have seen it grow along a fence and as archway it may be a shrub?
Thanks in advance

20 May, 2015
Can't be if its in flower now - viticella is a later flower, usually July onwards.
The flower is well past its best and quite battered - but if it was originally pink rather than this faded, dirty looking lilac, the most likely contender is Clematis montana Pink Perfection, which does have vanilla scented flowers.
20 May, 2015
i agree with bamboo.
20 May, 2015
Thanks to all for your answers
I had the flower in my pocket that his how it looked past its best it was pink so it looks as if Bamboo is correct cheers
20 May, 2015
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« hi what is the name of this tree and how fast/tall does it grow?
Hi, By the shape of the flower, I would say Clematis viticella, but which particular variety, sorry no idea, Derek.
20 May, 2015