By Urbanite
United Kingdom
Bank Holiday weekend... Easter is the traditional start of the garden shopping season in the UK, and we had a couple of nice days over that holiday weekend. The Mayday holiday weekend was a bit dreary and, weatherwise, the best forecast for this weekend seems to be that it will be "warm in the sunshine" (carefully omitting that the sunshine won't get through the rain).
So if we have another damp holiday what will folks be doing on the gardening front? Plant sales, open garden visits, weeding, seeding?
21 May, 2015
On Saturday if the weather permits, I shall start painting the garden fence in a nice Wild Willow colour (adjoining neighbour doing his side. I can't do it all the way down the garden due to herbaceous border - will do that later in the year. Sowing more salad seeds and planting out sunflowers. Then if there is time, cutting back overgrown Camelias. I'm exhausted already. Husband playing cricket and golf - typical!
21 May, 2015
clearing the greenhouse so OH can 'take over' the growing of the toms and cucs as ' I am not doing it right' :o(((
not that he noticed for the last 15yrs but he is retired now [and im not grrrrrrrr] not that I'm bitter you understand ;o)
Oh and the mundane house hold chores that he doesn't enjoy ..... all of them!
22 May, 2015
Are you a woman or a mouse! More training needed. No offence meant! ?
22 May, 2015
I'm all women and I will use my femine wiles when he least expects it :o))
22 May, 2015
Ha ha, a woman after my own heart.
22 May, 2015
Goodness knows I would do if my wife wanted to garden as well. It is strictly for her to sit out when it is sunny or to moan about 'stupid plants' at all other times.
22 May, 2015
What a shame. My husband has a thing about Lupins, heaven knows why - I haven't got any. He does the heavy work and I plant.
22 May, 2015
Oh my! Does anyone ever do the 'mundane chores' any more? All I want to do on my days off is sort out the garden and ignore the housework.
My OH spends all his time in his study doing research that will probably never get published.He's now retired (from academe) He says it keeps him sane so in that way we are a bit alike because so does my garden for me --- which he doesn't even notice until we have a visitor and then he is full of compliments!
I feel that it is my role to keep the house in some sort of order and I call myself a feminist! My OH is also a feminist but that remains a mystery to me. I think it translates as he agrees with it on a theoretical level. How does SBG do all that she does and still have time to be a stalwart of this site? She's my role model!
22 May, 2015
Oh my, what a rant! I think 3 glasses of wine is my limit. Now for some potting up.
22 May, 2015
Just back (Saturday) from the plant fair at the National Memorial Arboretum - I only bought 3 hostas and a dwarf Solomon's Seal. Over to Suffolk tomorrow to Helmingham Hall and Mickfield Hostas - for Yellow Polka Dot Bikini, Red Dragon, Cathedral Windows and either Bells of Edinburgh or Nightlife.
Chores can wait - Life's too short to stuff a mushroom!
23 May, 2015
So far one has not has not cleared the patio and did nothing apart from feed plants. Not sure where this procrastination is coming from. I did shampoo some carpets.
24 May, 2015
Yes, all these good intentions. Had the hedge man round this morning, did some weeding and watering but still haven't started on the fence painting.
24 May, 2015
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Well the weather has been good for seed requiring cold stratification. Not so good for warm loving plants. My plans are to rid my patio of all the pots on it.
21 May, 2015