By Great
United Kingdom
I'm a bit upset!! my lily that I bought for my little pond is not doing very well the leaves are discoloured. My daughter, the one who does a little gardening asked what the green stuff was in the pond. My oxygenating plant I told her. Or thats what I thought. I was really happy with the way things were going in the pond. get a stick she said. There was blanket weed covering my lily. No wonder it wasen't thriving!!! My question is how can things change so quickly when the pond looked so healthy only the other day??? Im a bit disappointed as it was all going so well. Will my lily recover now I've freed it from the blanket weed?
On plant
Blanket weed
20 Jul, 2010
No need to wory Great...this happens.If its any consolation our new pond had lots in its first year..and your daughter is spot on...remove with a stick ! Will soon all settle down and your lily will be okay..promise ! :o)
20 Jul, 2010
I'll hold you to that BB! thanks Tulsalady26. I have left the weed by the side of the pond so any critters can get back in the pond. Will have another look tomorrow. I didn't realise how strong and long blanket weed was. I have never experienced it before as this is the 1st time I've had a pond. Blanket weed is a very good name for this pest
20 Jul, 2010
Great you may well find you need to remove the blanket weed for several years... Snag is birds will, unintentionally, bring more into the pond. Given how tiny iti s then you are always going to have challenges.
20 Jul, 2010
Removing blanket weed from my pond on a regular basis became almost therapeutic. The fish got more used to my presence and I saw wonderful things like tiny newborn fish fry, rampaging dragonfly larvae, newly hatched tadpoles, pond skaters , the fish gobbling up midge larvae ....... A chore - but it can be a joy. :o)
21 Jul, 2010
I agree Nariz
21 Jul, 2010
good for your garden to is pond waste . your pond will be fine lillies are realy tuff and normaly can become a problem bye growing to big thereselves.
21 Jul, 2010
Indeed NP our pond is half covered with the leaves of our one water lily right now and they are climbing up the bank!
21 Jul, 2010
Nosey where have you been?. I've missed you. How are the puppies. Anyone on here got a king charles spaniel 8 weeks old? Yes I will put it on the compost later.
Nariz, The blanket weed seems to have killed what looks like a rather fat grey slug. Not too happy to find that. I can't beleve how quickly this awful stuff grows. Its like the magic beans in the Jack and the Beanstalk story
21 Jul, 2010
its not so nice but its a nice healthy sign and wildlife will not mind it being there . ive been here all the time great . the pups are all gone i did a blog on them somewear .i am getting sids son who will be 7 weeks old 2 weeks friday that im rehoming .sids a full pug and the mums three quarter pug and a quarter chawowa. take care bye for now .
21 Jul, 2010
Glad all is well Nosey
21 Jul, 2010
so am i and how are you new pond and all ? xx.
22 Jul, 2010
That's one of the problems - things do fall in and get drowned. But .... did you particularly want the slug? Think of all the plants that have survived due to its timely death! Swings and roundabouts, Great. ;o)
22 Jul, 2010
slugs and snails seam to realise you have a pond after a little while as you only seam to find them in newish ponds so it wont last for ever . i found a blackbird drowned in my pond the other day which was a first for me .
22 Jul, 2010
Ha ha Nariz, can't stand slugs. I have noticed some brown 4/5 inch slugs around my pong yuck!!! Been waiting for my black bird or thrush to eat them lol But they seem more interseted in bathing in the pond. ah well....
Really sorry to hear about your blackbird NP thats awful!!!!
24 Jul, 2010
yes i know but i didnt see what happend so what can you do great ? xx .
24 Jul, 2010
Ah its so sad NP. My pond is fine. Filling out nicely. Saw a blackbird having a bath this morning. He must have told his friends. There were at least 30 yes , really about 30 sparrows in my garden at 8am this morning near to my pond. So it has definately got on the wildlife radar that my garden is a good place to be.
24 Jul, 2010
ofcourse it has a safe place to drink and wash isnt as easy as it mite seam . birds are very clean and bath at least 1-2 times daley . most people only cater for a birds stomach ie food . even some of the bird baths you see for sale just arnt ideal .or they have ponds that are to deep to bath in . my waterfall gets loads of birds drinking and bathing in it as its shallow and shelterd .in a year or so your pond will look like its been there for ever .
25 Jul, 2010
Its begining to already Leigh! I can't stop looking at it
25 Jul, 2010
cool glad you got it sorted out .
25 Jul, 2010
Like the new avatar!!
26 Jul, 2010
thanx great i drew that lol xx .
26 Jul, 2010
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« we have a 10' magnolia grandiflora bought from a nursery 18 months ago. It is...
sure it will Great don't worry just keep your eye on that weed,you might have to check the pond every day in case it comes back. keep a stick handy.
20 Jul, 2010