By Sallybarker
United Kingdom
The horsechestnut tree in our garden has lost all its conkers, and the leaves are turning brown and dropping off. I have noticed the same is happening to a number of horsechestnut trees in the area. This has been happening for the past two years. Can anyone 'shed' any light on the problem.
On plant
20 Jul, 2010
Indeed, many are succumbing around here too.
20 Jul, 2010
I'd imagine the conkers falling are more to do with drought than anything, but there are 3 problems with Horse Chestnuts currently - Leaf Blotch Fungus, which causes brown patches on the leaves with a yellow halo, a moth which causes browning of the leaves, and the last is Bleeding Canker, much more serious - this tends to cause die back of the upper branches, and usually there's evidence of bleeding down the trunk or main branches too.
21 Jul, 2010
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20 Jul, 2010